Tuesday 26 April 2011


Below is a brief run through of the things we did in lessons before filming. In order to be sure we were ready to film and knew exactly what we were doing we had to produce some pre-production work. We had to of course come up with a story, write a group synopsis and treatment, draft a script and story board, and run through location checks in order to make sure we didn't run into any danger whilst out filming.

Lesson One
We began by talking through our individual ideas, and the fact that one of our team members had dropped Media. We had to find a way to work without her as we needed three actors in one scene as someone to film and hold the microphone. We figured we would manage to work it out and after hearing Di's idea we quite liked the sound of it. We decided to keep our notes together and talk more about it the next lesson.

Lesson Two
We refined our idea, which was a combination of Di's original idea and ideas we had come up with in the previous lesson. We began thinking about location and props, and created a small proposal for our opening which we then had to read out to the class. The idea was still quite rough so it took a while to really get it across to people what we wanted to do with it as we were still so unsure ourselves. The feedback we got was really helpful and we realised we were drifted out of the Noir genre and more into a psychological horror of some sort. We decided to reign it all in and it was only then that we came up with an idea we were really happy with.

Lesson Three
This lesson we really moved on to our pre-production work. We decided who would take up each role within the group and distributed duties to each person. We filled in location and health and safety sheets because we knew exactly where we wanted to film, but we realised we needed an extra location to film the restaurant scene. I decided to ask the college if we could use their restaurant and they agreed, giving us a set time to come and film and instructions on how to get in. We began making loose notes for our treatment and wrote a rough synopsis. We all had set pieces to finish at home in order to be ready to film in time.

Lesson Four
This was our final week of writing the post production. We put together everything we had done in class and at home and checked them over to be sure we were ready to go shoot. We made final adjustments to the treatment and brainstormed about who we could get to help us with the acting. In the end we managed to get out friend who had dropped out to come in and do a bit of acting for us. We began filming in the next lesson, and successfully got all our shots during the three hours allocated for that.

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