The coursework brief is to create a two minute opening sequence for a contemporary Film Noir thriller. To do this I will have to research Film Noir, its history and the codes and conventions of the genre. All this research will help me to create my final piece, which is to be done in groups of no more than four people. Each person should have their own responsibilities, and will document all the work they do. All of this, as well as the research and planning, and the final product, will be documented in this blog.
Before we can make our film opening, we will have to undertake a preliminary task so that we can become comfortable with the all the equipment we will use for our final piece. This will be a short film sequence. Once this is done, we can begin to create our Film Noir opening. It should update the Noir genre whilst still keeping with the original ideology, and be certification 15-18.
We will also have to evaluate our work, analysing everything we have done as a group and individuals, and how well the requirements of the specification have been met. This will also appear on my blog.
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